Contract Dispute

Boca Raton Contract Dispute Attorney

When you sign a contract, you agree to comply with the terms included in that contract. Often, contracts are used to outline the details of a job including the work that is to be done, the time frame in which it is expected to be completed, and the payment amount and terms associated with the job. Contracts can be for other agreements as well, such as the sale or licensing of an asset, the terms of service a company provides to its customers, how certain resources are to be used, and agreements regarding the division of one's assets following divorce or death. Valid contracts are legally enforceable.

But not all contracts are valid. When a contract is found to potentially contain illegal or simply unenforceable clauses, disputes can arise regarding its validity. Other types of disputes can arise too, such as disagreements regarding whether one or more of the parties named in the contract upheld their requirements as stated. Contract disputes can be difficult to overcome without mediation and legal representation. These disputes can arise in private dealings, as well as in commercial agreements between businesses. Regardless of the nature of a contract dispute, it's important that you have effective representation to ensure that your rights are upheld and that the obligations outlined in the contract are met. Boca Law is ready to provide expert legal assistance for any dispute.

If you are engaged in a contract dispute, you will need legal representation to ensure that your interests are protected. Contact our experienced Boca Raton contract dispute attorneys today for assistance.

Examples of Contract Disputes

Contract disputes that can require the aid of a contract attorney include:

  • Breaches of contract. These can be material or fundamental breaches, which can range from minor issues to substantial breaches.
  • Disputes over the legality of contract terms. In some states, employment contract clauses like non-compete clauses are not enforceable. Another issue to consider is whether a contract asks a signer to violate one or more laws.
  • Disputes regarding one or more parties’ legal or mental competence to enter a contract.
  • Disputes claiming that a contract violates one or more parties’ rights, such as discriminatory employment contracts.

Contracts play a significant role in the day-to-day operation of many businesses. Contract law is a specific area of law within business law that often overlaps with employment law.

Non-Compete Agreement Contract Disputes in Florida

If you have signed a non-compete agreement that you believe infringes on your rights or is unenforceable for any reason, you can get help from our contract dispute attorneys in Boca Raton.

A non-compete agreement is a common type of contract signed between employees and employers. The aim of this agreement is to protect the business should an employee leave their job to start their own company or work for a competitor. This agreement may be written into a larger employment contract, or, it may be a standalone document.

Non-compete agreements are not valid in every state, but they are permitted under Florida law. Officially, they are known as restrictive covenants. They must be reasonable in time and scope, so as not to restrict a party from finding gainful employment or starting a business within a reasonable amount of time after leaving their previous job.

For the agreement to be valid, it must be written and signed by both parties. It also needs to be justified by legitimate business interests.

Some valid scenarios could include:

  • The employee is privy to trade secrets that would damage the business.
  • The employee is privy to confidential business information that could be used by a competitor.
  • The employee could potentially take existing customers from the business to their new company.
  • The employee has received specialized training, provided by the company, that is considered unique in the industry.

At Boca Law, we can provide representation for employees or employers during contract disputes. Contact us to discuss your situation and get the expert legal representation that protects your interests.

Resolving Contract Disputes with a Boca Raton Contract Dispute Attorney

Contracts often state how they are to be resolved in the event of a dispute and the aftermath of any resolution. A contract may state that the non-breaching party recover damages, the monetary equivalent of what he or she would have received had the breach not occurred or it may require that the breaching party uphold its obligations exactly as they were stated in the contract. It is fairly common for contracts to require that they be resolved through a specific method, such as arbitration or mediation. A contract might also state whether the Talk to us for legal representation from reputable Contract Dispute Attorneys in Boca Raton. settlement reached through this method is legally binding and if not, whether the parties may litigate the dispute to reach a resolution.

Work with an Experienced Boca Raton Contract Dispute Attorney

If you are involved in any type of contract dispute, whether you were the creator or the signer of the contract, advocate for yourself and your rights by working with an experienced contract dispute attorney. To learn more about your rights and your legal options, contact our team at Lavalle, Brown, Ronan & Schwencke today to schedule your initial consultation in our Boca Raton office. Talk to us for legal representation from reputable Contract Dispute Attorneys in Boca Raton. settlement reached through this method is legally binding and if not, whether the parties may litigate the dispute to reach a resolution.

Call 561-395-0000 or 855-BOCALAW (262-2529) to schedule your confidential case evaluation.

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