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What To Do If You Are in An Auto Accident?

Getting into an automobile accident creates a level of stress that can linger for weeks, months, or even a lifetime. It is no secret that an automobile accident can leave you feeling victimized and alienated.  Typically, the first question on your mind is who you can turn to for help. If you want peace of mind and someone who can help you navigate the chaos of insurance claims and medical bills that often come after an accident, you should contact Boca Law.  We have the legal experience you need to put your life back on track and regain the control you once had. It often seems like everything moves in slow motion from the initial impact, until final settlement, but having the right legal guidance and a respectable law firm on your side will get you the compensation you deserve.

Whether you were the driver, passenger, or a pedestrian, having the best representation after a car accident is very important.  Here at BOCA Law, we have come up with a few tips that can steer you in the right direction when it comes to making the right legal decisions.

What can you do when the unthinkable happens?

  1. Try not to panic. We know that a car accident can send your nerves spiraling but keeping your wits about you will help you to make the best emergency decisions. First, call 911 to report that you’ve been in an automobile accident.  Once the police arrive, stay focused and give as many details about the accident as you can remember.  Additionally, ask the officer if he would also take statements from any witnesses to the accident.  As the officer nears completion of the accident report, ask him for details on how you can obtain a copy, the address of the law enforcement agency, the name of the officer, and the accident report number.
  2. Take a quick inventory of your own health and seek medical attention immediately. Even mild pain or discomfort can signal an injury that can vary from minor to severe.  If paramedics are available at the accident scene, consider allowing them to examine you.  If you require an ambulance, your Personal Injury Protection should automatically cover a large portion of the ambulance and your visit to the emergency room. Even if you don’t have insurance, you are still allowed treatment from the ambulance and hospital.
  3. Were there any witnesses to the accident? Make sure you get their contact information.  People that you don’t know are considered “independent observers,” and their account of the accident can help investigators identify exactly what happened.
  4. In today’s world, a photograph or a video can play a major part in a court case. It is always advantageous to take photographs of the accident scene.  Additionally, if you find that there are any witness videos of the actual accident, you should have them sent to you or the investigator.
  5. Lastly, when you need representation from a legal team that you can trust in an auto accident case, contact Boca Law before speaking to your insurance company. We have the expertise to get you through your case from beginning to end with the winning results you expect.