Recent White Collar Arrests in Boca Raton

Several arrests over the past few weeks go to show that law enforcement officers and investigators in the Boca Raton area take white collar crimes very seriously. White collar crimes are financially motivated offenses that do not involve violence or physical harm to victims. However, these offenses can cause significant financial harm to victims and, therefore, the law sets out strict penalties for white collar offenders.

Tampering with an ATM

One man was arrested on suspicion of installing credit card skimmers in ATMs throughout Boca Raton and Delray Beach. The man allegedly worked with an as of yet unidentified individual to install the skimmers to record debit and credit card numbers as well as cameras to record individuals entering their pin numbers. Law enforcement reported they believed the men then used the debit and credit card numbers to steal the identities of the card holders and misappropriated nearly $28,000 from 25 different victims. The one man arrested faces charges of fraud, forgery, ID theft, and more.

Medicaid Fraud

In another alleged white collar scheme, an estimated ten individuals were believed to have stolen over $2.7 million from the Medicaid program in Florida by providing false information, bribing workers at the Department of Children and Families, and collecting benefits for which they would not otherwise have qualified. Among the arrestees included a former player for the National Hockey League (NHL), his wife, and other accomplices. The couple is accused of collecting benefits for themselves despite living in a $676,500 home and earning at least $100,000 per year. Additionally, authorities claim they assisted other couple in collecting benefits they did not deserve. The arrest came after an extensive investigation involving informants, forged documents, and more.

Penalties For White Collar Offenses Can Be Severe

Like other types of theft crimes, the potential consequences of a white collar conviction generally depends on many factors, including the amount of money believed to be taken, the number of victims, and the extent of the fraud scheme. Too many individuals facing white collar allegations do not believe that their offenses will be taken as seriously by Florida authorities, prosecutors, and criminal courts. This is not the case, however, as evidenced by harsh sentences handed out to convicted white collar offenders in our state. For example, the man behind the largest Ponzi scheme in Florida was sentenced to 50 years in prison just over five years ago. This is a greater sentence than those issued to many offenders convicted of violent crimes.

Contact A Boca Raton Criminal Defense Lawyer For Help Today

Whether you are facing allegations of a white collar crime, a violent crime, or even a simple traffic matter, an experienced criminal defense attorney can zealously defend your rights, help you avoid wrongful conviction, and limit your sentence whenever possible. At the Boca Raton law firm of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, our attorneys understand the unique issues that may arise with different types of criminal charges, so please do not hesitate to call our office at 888-646-1315 for assistance today.