Hit And Run Crashes Increased In 2015

Auto accidents have the potential to cause serious personal injuries, however, the prognosis of victims can often be improved if emergency personnel are called to the scene in a timely manner and emergency trauma care is administered to badly injured individuals. When a driver decides to leave the scene of an accident, they can significantly worsen the situation, especially if a victim is unconscious or otherwise left to cope with severe injuries on their own.

Recent statistics released from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles show that hit and run accidents are a serious problem in our state–a problem that has only worsened in recent years. The agency reported the following statistics regarding hit and runs in Florida for 2015:

  • There were 92,000 total hit and run accidents;
  • 19,000 people sustained injuries in hit and runs;
  • 1,200 people suffered serious bodily injury;
  • 186 people died as a result of a hit and run accident;
  • More than half of the fatalities were pedestrians;
  • One-fourth of drivers in pedestrian collisions fled the scene of the accident; and
  • Approximately 12 percent of the fatalities were bicyclists.

If a driver is caught following a hit and run, they can face serious criminal penalties. If the accident involved any type of injury, the driver can face felony charges, extended suspension of their driver’s license, and a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment if convicted. A criminal case, however, does little to compensate the victims who were left injured by the driver.

Legal Rights After Hit And Run Injuries

If a driver is identified after a hit and run in which you sustained injuries, you have the right to seek compensation from that driver for the losses that you incurred as a result of the collision. A criminal conviction for hit and run can improve your chances of recovery in a civil claim, though it is not necessary. In a personal injury case, you can seek damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and much more depending on your situation. Furthermore, family members who have lost a loved one in a hit and run accident have the right to seek compensation by filing a claim for wrongful death under Florida law.

Even if the driver is not located by law enforcement, a qualified auto accident injury lawyer can help you explore other options for compensation from your insurance company. We can help you negotiate an adequate settlement under your no-fault or uninsured motorist policies or use other tactics if needed.

Contact A Boca Raton Auto Accident Attorney For Help

Cases arising out of traffic-related crashes can have many legal issues, especially if the case involved a hit and run. it is important that you have an experienced auto accident lawyer on your side who can successfully pursue the full amount of financial recovery to which you are entitled for your injuries and losses. Please do not hesitate to call the law office of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan at 888-646-1315 to schedule your free consultation as soon as possible.