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Can E-Cigarettes Cause Injuries?

As recently covered by People and ABC Action News, one Florida producer who worked for CNBC died in early May after his vape pen (also known as an “e-cigarette”) exploded, causing a massive fire in his home. When the pen exploded, the projectile penetrated his brain and skull. It also caused a massive fire, burning most of his body and home.

The pen was manufactured by a company called “Smok-E Mountain Mech Works,” which responded that the accident must have been caused by an atomizer or battery issue. Below, we discuss some of the serious injury issues that have reportedly occurred in association with some of these products.

Hundreds of Explosions & Fires

Although this is the first known death due to an e-cigarette, according to a report from the U.S. Fire Administration, there have been close to 200 incidents where the devices exploded or caught fire since 2009, leading to approximately 133 injuries, at least 38 of which were considered to be severe.

Litigation Filed

As of now, there have been multiple lawsuits filed against a variety of e-cigarette companies related to severe burns and other permanent injuries. The rechargeable battery-operated systems have been known to overheat or explode, causing serious injuries. These have not only included severe burns, but also blindness and emotional scarring.

Studies have also reportedly demonstrated the presence of harmful chemicals; some of which can cause cancer and lung disease. Some litigation has not only focused on the injuries they can cause, but also the lack of manufacturer warning labels provided to warn users of potential long-term risks associated with exposure to the hazardous chemical substances that are included in the products. Some have also called into question the purported safety of the devices when it comes to users’ respiratory systems and the claim that they are safe devices to help you stop something even more dangerous: cigarette smoking.

Specifically, one plaintiff who plugged the e-cigarette product into her car’s charger experienced an explosion that left her permanently scarred from second-degree burns on her legs. She received close to $2 million in damages as a result.

Florida Personal Injury & Consumer Protection Attorneys

E-cigarette devices remain largely unregulated, without any substantial rules established to ensure the safety of the public, leaving the door wide open for more and more people to potentially be injured or killed while using these devices. While the FDA tried to provide new regulatory oversight of the industry in 2016, the agency was then sued by some e-cigarette manufacturers for allegedly overstepping its authority as a result. 

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed by an e-cigarette, speak with one of our Florida personal injury attorneys at Lavalle, Brown & Ronan today. We can help provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to get on the path to recovery.

For more information and in depth analysis, please contact Attorney Ken Ronan at and Case Manager Richard Bagdasarian at
