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What is Automobile Negligence?

Learning how to drive and getting that precious driver’s license is a rite of passage for everyone, young or old.  However, part of learning how to drive is gaining an awareness of how much responsibility goes into the act of driving and respect for the laws and rules of the road.  One crucial thing every driver must recognize long before they receive their driving permit is that operating a motor vehicle is a privilege.  Driving a motor vehicle is a real responsibility because when you get behind the wheel, you are not only responsible for your own actions, but also for the lives of the passengers in the car and the lives of any other drivers and pedestrians that cross your path.

Once you understand the responsibility that comes with driving, you should also understand that operating a motor vehicle with care is essential.

Unfortunately, no one is a perfect driver, and accidents happen. When you or others on the road fail to operate a motor vehicle safely and cause an accident, it is considered automobile negligence.  You can also define automobile negligence as careless driving, which Florida Statute 316.1925 defines as:

Automobile Negligence

“Any person operating a vehicle on the streets or highways within the state shall drive the same carefully and prudently, having regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic, and all other circumstances, so not to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person. Failure to drive in this manner shall constitute careless driving, and a violation of this section.”

Other acts of automobile negligence can include following too closely, speeding, failure to give right of way, and failure to obey a traffic signal.  If you find yourself a victim of automobile negligence, contact BOCA LAW toll-free at 855-262-2529.   While your insurance company may prefer that you remain uninformed about your options, you can be confident that our experienced and friendly staff is always available to discuss the law regarding automobile negligence and offer pertinent advice and consultation.