Misuse Of 911 Can Land You In Jail

Misuse Of 911 Can Land You In Jail

Florida law considers misuse of 911 as a crime

911 exists so that people can report emergency situations that require medical, fire, and/or law enforcement personnel to immediately report to the scene. When people use 911 for non-emergency purposes, they can waste time and resources of the government and potentially take emergency resources away from people who are truly in trouble. For this reason and others, lawmakers in Florida passed a law against misusing 911 and that set out criminal penalties for doing so.

Learn more about how 911 should be used, and how you can get help from Boca Raton criminal defense attorneys if you have been charged with misusing the emergency services hotline.

If you have been charged with misusing the 911 service but believe you were within your legal rights and acting out of necessity, Boca Law can help to prepare your defense. Contact our experienced criminal defense attorneys and keep your record free of misdemeanor.

Failing to Adhere to Guidelines Can Result in Criminal Charges

A man in Boca Raton recently found out how serious law enforcement officers can be regarding misuse of 911. According to reports, the man called 911 numerous times to tell authorities that his sister was outside his house and yelling at him. Police said he later called again to inform 911 that his sister was now asleep and was no longer bothering him. He was likely surprised when officers showed up at his house only to place him under arrest for misuse of 911 and hold him in the jail in Palm Beach County for a few hours.

According to Florida law, a person can face the charge of misuse of 911 if they do any of the following:

  • Call for a false alarm that may result in emergency dispatch.
  • Call to report false information that may result in emergency dispatch.
  • Knowingly use 911 for any other reason than obtaining assistance from emergency personnel.
  • Knowingly use 911 to avoid paying a charge for any public service.

In the above situations, misuse of 911 can be charged as a first degree misdemeanor, which comes with potential penalties including a fine up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail. If a person gets convicted of this offense four times, any subsequent offenses will be charged as a third degree felony. This felony means a potential $5,000 fine and a prison sentence of up to five years. As you can see, this is not a charge that should be taken lightly.

There are many ways of defending against a charge of misusing the 911 service. For example, in the above case, the man may have believed he had a valid reason to call 911 if he believed that his sister meant him harm or was trying to break into his home. An experienced attorney can evaluate the circumstances surrounding your 911 calls and arrest to determine any possible defenses in your case.

What to Do If You are Arrested for Misusing 911 Services

Florida 911 abuse laws

Misdemeanors are more serious than infractions but less so than felonies. Under federal law, a misdemeanor is a crime that comes with a jail term of less than one year. However, if you are arrested for subsequent abuse of a 911 service, you can be charged with a felony, which could result in a prison sentence of up to five years.

Although police and the courts are usually reasonable when evaluating cases, there are times when people acting in good faith can be charged with felonies or misdemeanors. If you have been arrested for misuse of the 911 service, you need to seek representation immediately.

  • Understand your rights. The 911 service may be used to seek help or offer legitimate information relating to a crime, distress, or emergency.
  • Stay calm and don’t become combative with law enforcement officials. Do not resist if you are being arrested. Try to clarify details with the officers who respond to the scene.
  • Be careful of what you say. Don’t make threats or engage in arguments. This could lead to further charges or evidence against you.
  • You have the right to remain silent. You can exercise this right for your own protection. You can refuse to speak until you have consulted with a lawyer.
  • You can make one local unmonitored call. It is advisable that you use this to contact our law office or a trusted family member who can take the next steps for you.

We are standing by to provide effective representation. We can work to have you released or bailed, depending on the exact charges and circumstances. It’s critical that you don’t panic. Being arrested is distressing, but losing control or focus during this time could lead to actions you wouldn’t otherwise take.

Our criminal defense attorneys in Boca Raton are highly experienced in all Florida law and have helped countless clients to fight baseless charges and wrongful arrests.

Discuss Your Case With A Boca Raton Criminal Defense Attorney As Soon As Possible

Boca Raton 911 abuse defense attornesys

Criminal charges can arise in many different ways and you may not even realize what you are doing is against the law. However, the penalties in your case can still be serious and you should always have an experienced criminal defense lawyer assisting with your defense.

At the law office of Lavalle, Brown &Ronan, we help people in and around Boca Raton with a wide variety of criminal charges ranging from traffic violations to serious felonies. Please do not delay in calling us for help at 888-646-1315 today.

Resources and References